Ecotourism services in Almeria and Granada
We offer a wide range of services related to active tourism for individuals, companies, schools, associations and municipalities in the provinces of Almería and Granada.
Cultural routes
Through different tours adaptable to the group's preferences, we will explore the cultural, historical and gastronomic richness of our surroundings.
Nature Activities
Aimed at groups such as associations, clubs, companies or school groups from 2nd cycle of EEPP to High School.
Environmental awareness workshops
In a playful and entertaining way we will approach nature and learn how to contribute to its conservation. Workshops adapted according to interests and preferences.
Night Sky Observation
We will learn about the main constellations, their legends and stories and we will go a little deeper into this immense world that surrounds us.
The design and implementation of this web site has been financed with a grant from the Board of Andalusia through the Department of Employment, Enterprise and Self-Employment at the expense of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the main financial instrument of the European Union's Regional and Cohesion Policy. European Commission aimed at contributing to the correction of the main regional imbalances within the European Union.