Beires, part of the Alpujarra Almeriense has launched its commitment to sustainable tourism with its project.
Beires, Green Heart of the Sierra Nevada National Park
With several actions to be developed in the coming years, it seeks to enhance the value of its environmental, ethnographic and historical values, financed by the Program of the National Parks Network and subsidized by the Department of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy of the Regional Government of Andalusia.
One of the actions contemplated is the Beires Ornithopark.
It is committed to turning this small municipality into a reference in the ornithological world, plus the specialized tourism that it attracts, being the first with this approach in Andalusia.
A new Bird Guide with detailed descriptions of the 36 species that inhabit this park. In addition to another guide with the flora, fauna and environmental values of the protected area of the Sierra Nevada National and Natural Park.
This project was carried out in the Training and awareness-raising sessions on the conservation of natural and cultural values, experts who will conduct guided tours and nature workshops to promote hiking.