Ecotourism and women; encouraging employment data to help us move forward


Hola Amig@s! Today we have to talk about the International Women's DayThe UN General Assembly on 16/12/1977, a celebration created by the UN General Assembly, whose main objective is to eradicating discrimination against women, promote their empowerment y to achieve their full participation in society.

Since that date we have seen a more or less constant evolution and, despite the fact that women have progressively entered professions historically occupied by men, no one is unaware that even today there are still some professions in which the male gender predominates, and others in which women are gaining an increasing presence.

centro de visitantes laujar de andarax

But in our sector (ecotourism in general...) what happens?

According to 2022 data from the Observatory of Ecotourism in SpainThe results were obtained from a survey in which 147 companies of different types (lodging, activity companies, travel agencies, restaurants, environmental education centers, agri-food companies, and other types of companies) participated, female permanent employment accounts for 54.7%while in terms of eThe percentage of women in temporary employment is 54.41%.. It is in lodgings where there are greater differences between male and female employment, being a 62.5% of women with a permanent contract compared to 37.5% of menand in the case of the ratio is 65.4% for women compared to 34.6TP3T for men..

In view of these data, we can affirm that the weight and leadership that women are gaining in the ecotourism sector is becoming a reality..

So from here, we encourage you to keep fighting for your dreams, and to break down ceilings, barriers and everything that is put in front of you.

Happy Women's Day to everyone, but especially to our mothers, sisters, daughters, teachers, and all those women who fight every day for a more just and equitable society between men and women.
