Al-Mihras as "Information Point of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism".


From Al-Mihras we welcome new partners to join this initiative.


Representing a significant advance for sustainable tourism in the region, these six companies have been certified with the CETS, a recognition that highlights their commitment to sustainable socioeconomic development and the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the region. Sierra Nevada Natural Area.

During the ceremony, the importance of environmental education and tourism awareness was emphasized as essential pillars for the long-term sustainability of the park.

Certified companies have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to these practices, ensuring that visitors not only enjoy the beauty and biodiversity of the Sierra Nevada, but also become active advocates for its preservation.
In addition, the Certificates of Accreditation as an Information Point of the Sierra Nevada National Park and Natural Park have been signed through the CETS for eighteen new entities. Of these, fifteen belong to the province of Granada and three to the province of Almería, reflecting a joint effort among local communities to promote tourism that respects and values the natural environment.

The territorial delegate thanked the adhesion of "the six new companies to this quality mark, called European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CETS), a recognition granted by the EUROPARC Federation".


This organization brings together protected natural sites from 39 European countries and is based on a voluntary commitment between the actors involved in tourism development to implement a local strategy that favors sustainable tourism, contributing in a positive and equitable way to the economic development and well-being of the people who live, work or visit these protected sites".

García expressed his enthusiasm for the initiative: "We not only celebrate the adhesion of these companies, but also reaffirm our commitment to a future where tourism and nature coexist in harmony. The CETS is more than a certificate; it is a promise of responsibility and care towards our environment".
For his part, the director of the Sierra Nevada Natural Area explained that "the renewal of the CETS for these companies is a testament to their tireless work and their vision of tourism that contributes positively to the Sierra Nevada ecosystem. We are proud of their work and will continue to support initiatives that promote sustainable practices."
The Sierra Nevada National Park and Natural Park has been a member of the CETS since 2004 and since then has been working on the implementation of a strategy and action plan to advance the principles of the CETS. European Charter for Sustainable Tourism.

In 2018, Sierra Nevada renewed its membership in CETS for the third time, initiating a new 2019-2023 action plan. Currently, work is underway to formalize the new 2024-2030 action plan, which will seek to improve coordination, cooperation and participation, improve the quality of the tourism offer, train, raise awareness and disseminate the values of the Sierra Nevada National and Natural Park, conserve and enhance the heritage as a support for socioeconomic development, create a specific tourism offer and bring the natural and cultural heritage of Sierra Nevada closer to groups with special needs.

The Sierra Nevada Natural Area has 44 companies adhered to the CETS, located in 29 municipalities, 23 in Granada and 6 in Almería.

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